The enhancement of the territory and its products
For more than a hundred years we have been producing great oils without squeezing nature.
The core of our philosophy is the pursuit of quality through the respect and enhancement of an area
so rich that it offers us all the necessary ingredients for superior agricultural production.
Including energy.
In fact, much of our production process is powered by the sun and olives.
We recycle the kernels to extract valuable energy from them, which is added to the energy provided by photovoltaic systems.
Similarly, our two-stage oil mill extracts oil by harnessing the vegetable water contained in the olives,
without any use of external water resources.
Our company produces three types of extra virgin olive oil in Sassari: Antichi Uliveti del prato oil, Bosana Denocciolato and Maccia d’Agliastru . Three different worlds from a single cultivar!
Not only oil.
We also produce vegetables, especially
We select the best traditional products that most reflect the soul of Sardinia and preserve its value.
We produce fine wines, with special emphasis on the native grape varieties that make Sardinia famous.
Our extra virgin olive oil
For almost a century we have been dedicated to the cultivation of our Bosana olive groves, a typical cultivar of Sardinia. From this passion come Antichi Uliveti del prato, Maccia d’Agliastru and Denocciolato di Bosana.
Our production of pitted extra virgin olive oil in Sassari is the result of an ancient and deep-rooted family passion and the meeting with Luigi Veronelli, and his project “Oil according to Veronelli”
Our oil varieties, all strictly monovarietal, have their own organoleptic characteristics. The main differences are due to the different soil and climate characteristics of the production soils but also to our extraction system, which we perform within four hours of harvesting. Bosana is a quality that can be used both for the production of oil and table olives. It reaches maturity in the period between the end of November and January; it is harvested by grazing or with the aid of mechanical means.
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Bronze A’ Design Award 2023
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